
A simple CMake script to implement automatic build number incrementation.

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


This script generates a header file contains the recent build build number as a macro. This is a platform and compiler independent solution The code also contains basic error checking and provides feedback at the build console.

Supported languages:

Language Header extension Default header filename
/Pull requests for extending the language support are welcome/

Basic usage:

Using the default values... Note that the following is a minimal C/C++ example. You can find more complete examples in the examples directory.

1. Setting up CMake

Copy build_number.cmake to your source directory and add this code to your CMakeLists.txt (don't forget to specify the target)
	TARGET project_name_goes_here
		-P "${MASTER_DIR}/build_number.cmake"
Add build_number.h to your target. And create a blank build_number.h in your source directory otherwise CMake wont configure.

2. Adding build number to the project

Include the generated header in your source:
#include "build_number.h"
Use the BUILD_NUMBER macro in your code.

Altering default values:

Possible inputs

NameTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
LANGUAGESTRINGYes-Defines the used language. (This information is used to determine the header's extension.)
HEADER_DIRPATHYes-Specifies a path for the header.
HEADER_FILENAMESTRINGNobuildnumberAlters the default filename for the header.
The extension depends on the determined language. No extension needed here.
HEADER_MACROSTRINGNoBUILD_NUMBERAlters the default macro's name in the header.
CACHE_DIRPATHYes-Specifies the path for the cache file.
CACHE_FILENAMESTRINGNoCMakeBuildNumber.txtAlters the default filename for the cache file.

Altering values

Warning: -P always has to be on the last place!

You can define them by adding more parameters to the command. For more information check the documentation of add_custom_command. The following is an example where all of the possible parameters are defined/altered:

	TARGET project_name_goes_here
		-P "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/build_number.cmake"


MIT license