This is a dotnet solution adds an abstraction layer of modules on top of default microsoft dependecy injection. So it becomes easyer to manage and register dependencies between modules
run Install-Package Nandel.Modules
in your Nuget console then also install Install-Package Nandel.Modules.AspNetCore
for AspNetCore support for extra features.
We can see below we have 3 modules defined, a A
depends on B
and C
, and B
depends on C
, in this example after
we register the module A
in the IServiceCollection
we will be registering all the dependencies with the with
the addition that we are actualy checking if we aready haven'd done it yet since C
is a dependency of A
and B
using Nandel.Modules;
class A : IModule, IHasStart, IHasStop
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Here comes module A registration
public Task StartAsync(IServiceProvider services)
Console.WriteLine("Module A has been Started");
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task StopAsync(IServiceProvider services)
Console.WriteLine("Module A has been Stoped");
return Task.CompletedTask;
class B : IModule
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Here comes module B registration
class C : IModule
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Here comes module B registration
Now all we have to do is invoke AddModule<ModuleTye>()
to register the module and its all deendency tree in the current IServiceCollection
We can see i also added a services.AddModulesHostedService()
that is part of Nandel.Modules.AspNetCore
that will manage the IHasStart
and IHasStop
in all dependency tree and run then in background as instance of IHostedService
using Nandel.Modules;
using Nandel.Modules.AspNetCore;
class Startup
void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)