
Python client for the SIS API

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Python client library for interacting with the SIS RESTful API.

Table of Contents


  • Python 2.6+, 3.4+

The client will work using the standard library only, however, if Requests(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/) v2+(must have Session.prepare_request() method) is installed, it will automatically attempt to use it in order to siginificantly improve it's performance.

Check which HTTP library is used:

>>> import sispy; print(sispy.http.HTTP_LIB)


sudo python ./setup.py install

or via PIP

pip install sispy


Import the module

import sispy

Create a SIS client

# my_token is an optional auth token from SIS
client = sispy.Client(url='https://sis.myorg.com', auth_token='my_token')


client.authenticate('user1', 'secret')

Fetch all entities of a schema

from pprint import pprint

response = client.entities('test_schema').fetch_all()

for item in response:

Search for entities of a schema

response = client.entities('test_schema').fetch_all(
    query = {
        'q': { 'some_field': 'some_value' },

Create a schema

content = {
    'name': 'test_schema',

    '_sis': {    
        'owner': 'ops',
    'definition': {
        'hostname': 'String',
        'ip_address': 'String'

response = client.schemas.create(content)

Update a schema

content_updated = {
    'name': 'test_schema',

    '_sis': {
        'owner': 'ops',

    'definition': {
        'serial_number': 'String',
        'hostname': 'String',
        'ip_address': 'String',
        'status': 'String'

schema_entry = client.schemas.update('test_schema', content_updated)

Search for schemas

response = client.schemas.fetch_all(
    query = {
        'q': { '_sis.owner': 'ops' },

Fetch all entities belonging to a schema

response = client.entities('test_schema').fetch_all()

Get a schema

response = client.schemas.get('test_schema')

Delete a schema

response = client.schemas.delete('test_schema')


sispy.Client(url, version=1.1, auth_token=None, http_keep_alive=True)

  • url should contain url of the SIS API server
  • version API version
  • auth_token is an optional field that is sent in the x-auth-token header
  • http_keep_alive optional, only affects requests library, when set to False Connection: close header will be added to all HTTP requests(see Thread safety paragraph)

Client authentication

The client may also acquire and use a temporary token to use against the SIS endpoint via the authenticate method:

# this method will raise an exception if authentication fails
client.authenticate(user_name, password)

On success client.auth_token is set to the temporary token acquired.


All methods return sispy.Response() object that can be iterated over (using for in) or accessed similar to a dict or a list (depending on the method used).

List-like response

response = client.entities('test_schema').fetch_all()

# iterate over items in the list
for item in response:
    print item

# print the first item of the list
print response[0]

Dictionary-like response

response = client.schemas.get('test_schema')

# iterate over fields
for field in response:
    print field

# print value of field 'field1'
print response['field1']

Response.to_dict() and Response.to_list() methods are also available, returning a dict() or a list() object representation respectively.

Response object consists of the below attributes, it is discouraged to access them directly (as these might change in the future) but use the access techniqies outlined above.

  • sispy.Response._result contains decoded http body (either a list or a dict) and can be inspected directly
  • sispy.Response._meta holds meta data associated with the response
  • sispy.Response._meta.headers a dictionary of HTTP response headers
  • sispy.Response._meta.total_count is defined and set to the value of x-total-count HTTP header converted to int() if it's present

Variables & methods





  • schema_name : name of the schema


  • user_name : name of the user

Objects referred/returned by the above all interact with the appropriate endpoints and expose the following interface:


This maps to a GET / request against the appropriate endpoint.

  • query is an optional dictionary that constructs the query string. Keys in the object may include:
    • q : a dictionary specifying the filter
    • limit : the number of items to return
    • offset : offset into the number of objects to return

Returns a dict-like Response where the Response._meta.total_count is an integer that is the total number of items in the collection.


This calls fetch_page multiple times to fetch all items and returns a list-like Response.


This maps to a GET /id request against the approprivate endpoint.

  • id : a string representing the ID of the object on the server. For schemas, hooks, and hiera, this is the name. For entities, it is the _id.

A dict-like Response representing the object is returned on success.


This maps to a POST / request against the appropriate endpoint.

  • content : a valid dictionary or a list of dictionaries conforming to the endpoint specification

The created object as a dict-like Response is returned on success.

In case bulk create returns a Response dict-like object in the form of

    'errors': [<items>],
    'success': [<items>]

update(id, content)

This maps to a PUT '/id' request against the appropriate v1 endpoint.

  • id : a string representing the ID of the object on the server. For schemas, hooks, and hiera, this is the name. For entities, it is the _id

  • content : a valid dictionary or a list of dictionaries conforming to the endpoint specification

The updated dict-like Response representing the object is returned on success.

update_bulk(content, [query])

This maps to a PUT / request against the appropriate endpoint.

  • content : a valid list of dictionaries where each entry contains an update and an _id field or a dictionary with an update accompanied with a query.
  • query : a dictionary that constructs the query string. Entries that match this query will be updated with the dictionary provided by content.

For example:

# List of dictionaries to be updated
updated_entities = [
        "_id": "558481a32bcda71c7b948895",
        "field1": "cat",
        "field2": 4
        "_id": "558481a383cda2b12390ce12",
        "field2": 5

# Execute update with bulk_update

# Field to be udpated
update_dict = {
    "field2": 15

# Query to select which objects should be updated
update_query = {
    "q": {
        "field1": "cat"

# Execute update with bulk_update
client.bulk_update(update_dict, update_query)

Returns a Response dict-like object in the form of

    'errors': [<items>],
    'success': [<items>]


This maps to a DELETE '/id' request against the appropriate v1 endpoint.

  • id : a string representing the ID of the object on the server. For schemas, hooks, and hiera, this is the name. For entities, it is the _id

A dict-like Response representing the deleted object is returned on success.


  • query is a dictionary that constructs the query string.

Returns a Response dict-like object in the form of

    'errors': [<items>],
    'success': [<items>]

Thread safety

The same instance of the client can be shared amongst multiple threads if not using requests, or if using requests with http_keep_alive=False set.

Error handling

An instance of sispy.Error is raised if an HTTP request returns a status code above and including 400.

sispy.Error has the following attributes that can be inspected:

  • error: SIS error text
  • code : SIS error code
  • http_status_code : HTTP status code
  • response_dict : dictionary representing response body json

Handling connection errors is outside of the client's scope.


This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. Please refer to the LICENSE for more information.