libft, get_next_line and ft_printf

This repository contains three projects that are part of the 42-network's curriculum. The purpose of the libft project is to rewrite some of the most common used functions in the C standard library. This way, while creating your own library you get aquianted with a lot of the most basic but also most important concepts in the C language, like pointers, memory allocation, headerfiles and Makefiles. It is recommended to keep adding your own functions to your library since they might turn out to be useful in upcoming projects.

Libft is the first major project in the 42 Network curriculum, followed by get_next_line. This project is somewhat smaller, but a great addition to the libft library. The purpose of this project is to write a function allows to read a line ending with a newline character from a file descriptor. So in short, a function that will prove it's usefulness in upcoming projects.

The third project in this repository is called ft_printf. Since use of the printf function is forbidden in a lot of the projects of the 42 Network, this project offers the challange of writing your own version including a lot (but not all) of it's functionalities.


Run make, an archive file called libft.a should compile directly. Please submit an issue if you run into any.

How to use?

After creating the archive file, libft.a can be used while compiling other projects.


I would like to thank Marvin Gross for being my partner during the ft_printf project.