
Code Challenge - Awesome Coupons JSON RESTful API

Code Challenge

Build Awesome Coupons RESTful JSON API that can Create/Read/Update/Delete coupon data. Feel free to use any programming language and/or framework.

Things we are looking for

  • Clear, simple, unit tested code
  • Explanatory comments
  • Consistent Naming Conventions
  • Request validation
  • Efficient source/test code structure/folder


  • Please send us back a link to a git repo with the completed code challenge.
  • Include a README.md file in your repo with a link to your application deployed on Heroku or Digital Ocean.
  • Also include in readme that explains the benefits and any additional challenges you faced.
  • DO YOUR OWN WORK. If it appears not to be your own work, it will be disqualified.
  • DOCUMENT ALL ASSUMPTIONS. Explain why you made that assumption. You may make the wrong assumption, but if it’s well-documented, you’ll help us see your thought process. Undocumented assumptions can’t help us help you.
  • HAVE FUN. This will likely be challenging, but take this opportunity to exercise your creativity.

Awesome Coupons API Specification

/coupons GET

Get all coupons within the system

GET /coupons
GET /coupons?state=valid
GET /coupons?state=invalid

state param is use for filtering coupons that are valid (not expired) or invalid (expired)


  • Return HTTP status 200 with a payload of the coupons list.
  • If no coupons exist, return HTTP status 200 with an empty array.
  • If server error, return HTTP status 500 with a reason payload.
  • Otherwise, return the appropriate standard HTTP status.



curl -k http://localhost:3600/coupons

Output: returns 200 OK

    "id": 1,
    "category": "Coupons & Special Offers",
    "couponcode": "60 31261",
    "description": "Offer limited to in-store purchase only.",
    "merchant": "Super Sporting Goods",
    "title": "20% Off 2 Regular-Priced Items and/or 10% Off 2 Sale-Priced Items",
    "store": {
      "lat": 47.66001,
      "long": -122.31313,
      "city": "Seattle",
      "phone": "547-2445",
      "state": "Wa",
      "street": "4315 UNIVERSITY WAY N.E.",
      "zip": "98105"
    "expire_at": "2016-08-05T08:40:51.620Z",
    "published_at": "2016-03-05T08:40:51.620Z"
    "id" : 2,
    "category": "Coupons & Special Offers",
    "couponcode": "PETS",
    "description": "Offer limited to in-store purchase only.",
    "merchant": "Pets R Us",
    "title": "30% Off 2 Regular-Priced Items",
    "store": {
      "lat": 47.66001,
      "long": -122.31313,
      "city": "Seattle",
      "phone": "547-2445",
      "state": "Wa",
      "street": "123 Main WAY N.E.",
      "zip": "98105"
    "expire_at": "2016-04-05T08:40:51.620Z",
    "published_at": "2016-03-05T08:40:51.620Z"

/coupons/:couponId GET

Getting a specific coupon

GET /coupons/:couponId


  • Return HTTP status 200 with a payload of the requested coupon.
  • If invalid coupon ID like "coupons/abc", return HTTP status 400.
  • If non exist coupon ID, return HTTP status 404.
  • If server error, return HTTP status 500 with a reason payload.
  • Otherwise, return the appropriate standard HTTP status.



curl -k  http://localhost:3600/coupons/2

Output: returns 200 OK

  "id" : 2,
  "category": "Coupons & Special Offers",
  "couponcode": "60 31261",
  "description": "Offer limited to in-store purchase only.",
  "merchant": "Super Sporting Goods",
  "title": "20% Off 2 Regular-Priced Items and/or 10% Off 2 Sale-Priced Items",
  "store": {
    "lat": 47.66001,
    "long": -122.31313,
    "city": "Seattle",
    "phone": "547-2445",
    "state": "Wa",
    "street": "4315 UNIVERSITY WAY N.E.",
    "zip": "98105"
  "expire_at": "2016-08-05T08:40:51.620Z",
  "published_at": "2016-03-05T08:40:51.620Z"

/coupons POST

Create a specific coupon

POST /coupons with {:data} like

  "category": "Coupons & Special Offers",
  "couponcode": "60 31261",
  "description": "Offer limited to in-store purchase only.",
  "merchant": "Super Sporting Goods",
  "title": "20% Off 2 Regular-Priced Items and/or 10% Off 2 Sale-Priced Items",
  "store": {
    "lat": 47.66001,
    "long": -122.31313,
    "city": "Seattle",
    "phone": "547-2445",
    "state": "Wa",
    "street": "4315 UNIVERSITY WAY N.E.",
    "zip": "98105"
  "expire_at": "2016-08-05T08:40:51.620Z",
  "published_at": "2016-03-05T08:40:51.620Z"


  • Return HTTP status 201.
  • If invalid post data, return HTTP status 400.
  • If no or invalid content type header, return HTTP status 415.
  • If server error, return HTTP status 500 with a reason payload.
  • Otherwise, return the appropriate standard HTTP status.



curl -ik  -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:3600/coupons -X POST -d '
{"category":"Coupons & Special Offers","couponcode":"60 31261","description":"Offer limited to in-store purchase only.","merchant":"Super Sporting Goods","title":"20% Off 2 Regular-Priced Items and/or 10% Off 2 Sale-Priced Items","store":{"lat":47.66001,"long":-122.31313,"city":"Seattle","phone":"547-2445","state":"Wa","street":"4315 UNIVERSITY WAY N.E.","zip":"98105"},"expire_at":"2016-08-05T08:40:51.620Z","published_at":"2016-03-05T08:40:51.620Z"}'

Output: returns 201 Created & set location response with /coupons/new_id.

{"id": 7}

/coupons/:couponId PUT

Update a specific coupon

PUT /coupons/:couponId with {:data} like

  "couponcode": "UPDATED_COUPON"


  • Return HTTP status 200 with a payload of specific coupon.
  • If invalid coupon ID or invalid payload, return HTTP status 400.
  • If non exist coupon ID, return HTTP status 404.
  • If no or invalid content type header, return HTTP status 415.
  • If server error, return HTTP status 500 with a reason payload.
  • Otherwise, return the appropriate standard HTTP status.



curl -k  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
http://localhost:3600/coupons/1 -X PUT  -d '{"couponcode": "UPDATED_COUPON"}'

Output: returns 200 OK

  "id": 2;
  "category": "Coupons & Special Offers",
  "couponcode": "UPDATED_COUPON",
  "description": "Offer limited to in-store purchase only.",
  "merchant": "Super Sporting Goods",
  "title": "20% Off 2 Regular-Priced Items and/or 10% Off 2 Sale-Priced Items",
  "store": {
    "lat": 47.66001,
    "long": -122.31313,
    "city": "Seattle",
    "phone": "547-2445",
    "state": "Wa",
    "street": "4315 UNIVERSITY WAY N.E.",
    "zip": "98105"
  "expire_at": "2016-08-05T08:40:51.620Z",
  "published_at": "2016-03-05T08:40:51.620Z"

/coupons/:couponId Delete

Delete a specific coupon

DELETE /coupons/:couponId


  • Return HTTP status 204.
  • If server error, return HTTP status 500 with a reason payload.
  • Otherwise, return the appropriate standard HTTP status.



curl -k  -X DELETE http://localhost:3600/coupons/1

Output: returns 204 No Content