
📧 Golang Email address validator

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Reference codecov Go Report

Library under development (Interfaces may be changed slightly)

Demo on rapidapi.com


go get -u github.com/go-email-validator/go-email-validator

Available validators



With builder

package main

import (

func main() {
  // create defaults DepValidator with GetDefaultFactories() as list of validators
  builder := ev.NewDepBuilder(nil).Build()
     to set another list of initial validators
     builder := NewDepBuilder(&ValidatorMap{
         ev.ValidatorName: ev.Validator,

  // builder.Set(ev.ValidatorName, NewValidator()) builder
  // builder.Has(names ...ev.ValidatorName) bool
  // builder.Delete(names ...ev.ValidatorName) bool

  validator := builder.Build()

  v := validator.Validate(NewInput(evmail.FromString("test@evmail.com")))
  if !v.IsValid() {
    panic("email is invalid")


Single validator

package main

import (

func main() {
  var v = ev.NewSyntaxValidator().Validate(NewInput(evmail.FromString("some@evmail.here"))) // ev.ValidationResult

  if !v.IsValid() {
    panic("email is invalid")


Addition options

To set options for different validators, use NewInput(..., NewKVOption(ValidatorName, Options))

	NewKVOption(SMTPValidatorName, evsmtp.NewOptions(evsmtp.OptionsDTO{
		Port: 465,

Use function New...(...) to create structure instead of public.

How to extend

To add own validator, just implement ev.Validator interface. For validator without dependencies, you can use structure ev.AValidatorWithoutDeps


  1. WarningsDecorator allows moving errors to warnings and change result of IsValid() in ValidationResult.
  2. Cache based on evcahce.Interface, default realization is done for gocache.

Notice, to use msgpack you should have exported fields or implement custom encoding/decoding (doc)


Package use zap.

To use logging see in log package. Default level is zap.ErrorLevel.


  1. For running workflow locally use act


Most Internet Service Providers block outgoing SMTP request.

The StackOverflow thread could be helpful.

To check smtp in telnet


OPEN gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25
EHLO localhost
MAIL FROM: <user@example.org>
rcpt to: <some.email@gmail.com>

Some mail providers could put your ip in spam filter.

For example:

  1. hotmail.com


  • Tests
    • Add functional tests
    • Find way to compare functions in tests
  • Add binary release
  • Check in spamhaus
  • Add misspelled email
  • Add DKIM checking
  • Add linter in pre-hook and ci
  • Do full thread safe library
  • Copy features from truemail

Inspired by