
Atlan Task

Primary LanguagePython

Taskmanager for Long Running Jobs - Backend Challenge


The Collect platform of "Atlan" has a variety of long-running tasks which require time and resources on the servers. The task was to design a system such that these long running jobs can be triggered off and not consume the valuable resources. For this, we have to design the REST APIs with the help of which the client now has the capabilities to pause/stop/terminate the long running jobs.

Tech Stacks Used

  1. Flask (Python Web Framework)
  2. Celery (Asynchronous task queue)
  3. Redis (Message Broker)
  4. Docker-Compose (Running Multi-Container Docker applications)

Approach Summary

  1. Generation of Fake CSV data with the help of Faker.

  2. Developed RESTful APIs for handling the export and import operations of the CSV files.

  3. Integrated celery tasks on the uploading and downloading operations for managing the long running jobs asynchronously.

  4. Implemented functionalities for task pausing and stopping (revoke) over the on-going jobs with the help of REST APIs callings.

  5. Packed the solution in a docker container for serving the REST APIs over the production environment.


The current app fails to execute over the production environment due to some issues, further assisstance and work is required for the deployment of the app using docker images on the kubernetes.


The RESTful APIs for implementing pause and stop operations over the long running jobs can be tested in both the local environment as well as the production environment. (The production environment is having some issues and is not able to give the required results and is currently under development)

Execution over Local Environment

  • First extract the project source codes and navigate to the folder named
cd taskmanager/
  • Activate the virtual environment using the following command
source venv2/bin/activate
  • Next we have to set up redis-server on the system, follow the following digitalocean tutorial
  • Generate the fake csv data file using the following command
cd api/
python data.py

The csv file is saved as data.csv inside the files/datasets folder.

  • Now open another terminal and navigate and activate the virtual environment for that also.

  • For running the flask app execute the following command

flask run
  • For running the celery workers execute the following command
python run.py
  • Now open another terminal for testing the APIs using httpie package. For installation of the package over Debian based systems execute the following command on the terminal
sudo apt-get install httpie

A simpler web UI can also be navigated at the address providing csv upload and download operations

  • For checking the currently executing tasks execute the following command
http GET http://localhost:5000/tasks/
  • For testing the csv upload operation send POST request with the csv file location according to the following url
http -f POST http://localhost:5000/tasks/upload file@/home/your_name/path/to/taskmanager/api/files/datasets/data.csv

The uploaded csv is saved inside files/uploads folder named data.csv

  • For testing the csv download operation send GET request with the from and till date parameters in YYYY-MM-DD format according to the following url
http GET http://localhost:5000/tasks/download from=2010-02-15 till=2019-03-15

The download csv is saved inside files/downloads folder with the name formatted as <task_id>.csv (e.g 54476940-ff434080-4828-11e9-9c22-ed477d4f9183.csv)

  • For checking the status of the currently executing tasks copy the task_id from the currently executing task and send the GET request to the particular url
http GET http://localhost:5000/tasks/task_id
  • For performing pause operation on the currently executing task send the GET request with the pause parameter to the task url
http GET http://localhost:5000/tasks/task_id/pause
  • For performing stop operation on the currently executing task send the GET request with the stop parameter to the task url
http GET http://localhost:5000/tasks/task_id/stop

Execution over Production Environment

  • For testing the app over the production environment firstly we have to set up the docker environment on our system, follow the following link to get it installed
  • Next we have to install docker-compose application for executing multiple docker containers
  • After that extract the project source codes and navigate to the folder named
cd taskmanager/
  • For building up the docker image execute the following docker-compose file on the terminal
docker-compose build
  • Next start the docker containers in the deamon mode with the help of following command
docker-compose up -d
  • For stopping the running docker containers, execute the following command
docker-compose stop