
routes :

  • /movies?language=[language]
  • /tv?language=[language]
  • /search?q=[query]

Project Clone:


In this project We have tried to make a look alike clone of Hotstar a video streaming Website. With our efforts and the technology stack, that we have learned in Masai School, we were able to clone the front end and backend as well.

1. Landing page

landing landing landing

2.Individual Video page

individual video page individual video page

3. Log In/Sign Up page

Log In/Sign Up page Log In/Sign Up page

Technologies we used

In this project we have used the following technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node
  • Express
  • Mongoose

Created this Hotstar website clone by using media queries which makes our project responsive. Our Main motive of cloning the was that to create proper functionality and its designing like: -Backend - which was very helpful to manage lot of data and routes. -React - which helped us to build frontend such as designing and structure of website. -Hover Effects - styling all the buttons, images etc