
dotSlash4.0 hackathon repo

Primary LanguageC++


This repository consists the source code for Flutter application developed by our team as a part of dotslash 4.0 hackathon.

Click Here to the download the APK file.

Problem Statement

Traditional teaching methods often rely on lectures, textbooks, and static images, which may not fully capture the dynamic and interactive nature of science. As a result, students may become disinterested or discouraged, leading to lower academic achievement and reduced interest in pursuing STEM careers. Therefore, there is a need for innovative educational tools and technologies that can improve learning productivity and engagement in STEM subjects, particularly in the areas of virtual reality and interactive experiments. Aditionally, we should also minimize distraction caused by mobile phones among students while studying and help them maintain focus and concentration to improve their academic performance.

Our Solution

  • Our platform will make use of the latest technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), 3D modelling of objects and Flutter (Android,iOS and Web) for effective learning with fun.
  • Virtual Reality Labs: The platform will provide a virtual reality laboratory simulation environment for students to perform experiments in a safe and controlled environment. The VR labs will provide interactive experiments, such as flame test of metal salts, measuring the properties of gases, determining the density of liquids, and testing the effects of various substances on plant growth.
  • VR based Interactive Lessons : The platform will offer interactive STEM lessons. The lessons will be designed to engage students and provide them with a hands-on learning experience. After completing each concept, students will be able to view augmented objects related to the concept in the VR space and interact with them. Additionally, students can take gamified quizzes, which will earn them streaks and rewards to increase their competitiveness.

Demonstartion of 3D models in our application

  • DNA Model


  • Heart Model

Demonstartion of VR Lab Science Experiments


Tech Stack

  • Unity Engine for VR , 3D models
  • Flutter for more scalability and better user experience, UI/UX
  • APIs
  • Web Scraping for availing the contents from various Govt. TextBooks like NCERT