Claw Full Stack Developer Intern Interview Task

Task Submission 23 May 2024

Provided a links to postman API used, Live project links and my GitHub repository containing the source code for both the front-end and back-end. Additionally, include instructions on how to set up and run the application locally.

Contact Details


Project Overview

This project is a full-stack web application that allows users to manage a collection of books. It includes both front-end and back-end components, built using React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and REST APIs.


  1. Book Management User Interface (Front-End):

    • All Books are visible in the home page
    • Each user can add, view, edit, and delete books on their books only.
    • Each book has the following fields: title, author, genre, and year published.
    • The application is responsive and works well on different screen sizes.
  2. Integration with Back-End (Node.js, Express):

    • API calls are made to the back-end to fetch, add, update, and delete book data.
    • Axios or the Fetch API is used to handle HTTP requests.
  3. API Endpoints (Back-End):

    • RESTful API endpoints are set up:

       _Authentication Routes_
       - REGISTER USER || POST || `api/v1/auth/register`
       - LOGIN USER|| POST || `api/v1/auth/login`
       _User Routes_
       - GET USER || POST || api/v1/user/get-user
       - GET ALL USERS || POST || api/v1/user/all-users
       - UPDATE USER || POST || api/v1/user/update-user
       - UPDATE PASSWORD || POST || api/v1/user/update-user
       - RESET USER PASSWORD || POST || api/v1/user/reset-password
       - DELETE USER || POST || `api/v1/user/delete-user`
       _Book Routes_
        - GET ALL BOOKS || GET || `/api/v1/books`
        - GET ALL BOOKS BY LOGGED IN USER ID || GET || `/api/v1/books/get-by-user`
        - GET BOOK BY ID || GET || `/api/v1/books/:id`
        - CREATE A NEW BOOK || POST || `/api/v1/books`
        - UPDATE A BOOK BY ID || PUT || `/api/v1/books/:id`
        - DELETE A BOOK BY ID || DELETE ||  `/api/v1/books/:id`
        - FILTER FOR BOOK GENRES || GET || `/api/v1/books/filter/genres`
        - FILTER FOR BOOK AUTHORS || GET ||` /api/v1/books/filter/authors`
        - FILTER FOR BOOK TITLES || GET ||` /api/v1/books/filter/titles`
  4. Data Validation and Error Handling (Back-End):

    • Incoming data for book fields is validated.
    • Errors are handled gracefully, returning appropriate HTTP status codes and messages.
  5. Database Integration (MongoDB):

    • MongoDB is used to store book data and user data.
    • Mongoose models define data schema and interaction.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies for both the front-end and back-end:
    • Front-End (React.js): Navigate to the client directory and run npm install.
    • Back-End (Node.js): Navigate to the server directory and run npm install.
  3. Set up your MongoDB database and configure the connection in the back-end.
  4. Run the application:
    • Front-End: In the client directory, run npm run dev.
    • Back-End: In the root directory i.e book-management-system, run npm run server.
    • Or else to run both applications run npm run dev in the root directory i.e book-management-system.

Bonus Task

implemented the following features for additional points:

  • User authentication using JWT to protect certain API endpoints.
  • Search and filter functionality for books.
  • Pagination for the list of books using ant design Table component.