
Python Dictionary to Dot notation (class) package

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python Dictionary to Dot notation

Published on GitHub and PyPi.

This implementation admits dot notation to access dictionaries and nested dictionaries.

In order to expose a dot notated dict, its immediate parent will be changed to replace the dictionary to a new object, meaning that only the mutable types dict and list will be changed, once a dictionary child is found.


To install through pip, run:

pip install dict2dot

Basic usage

from dict2dot import Dict2Dot

my_dict = {'dogs': {'breeds': ['Golden Retriever', 'Labrador Retriever']}}
my_d2d = Dict2Dot(my_dict)

# ['Golden Retriever', 'Labrador Retriever']

print(my_d2d.dogs.breeds == my_dict['dogs']['breeds'])
# True

print(my_d2d.dogs.breeds[-1] == my_dict['dogs']['breeds'][-1])
# True

Update and advanced operations

from dict2dot import Dict2Dot

famous_dict = {'id': 6, 'names': {'first': 'Janelle', 'last': 'Monáe'}, 'pronouns': ['They', 'Them']}
famous_d2d = Dict2Dot(famous_dict)
famous_d2d.names.update({'full': 'Janelle Monáe Robinson'})
# {'id': 6, 'names': {'first': 'Janelle', 'last': 'Monáe', 'full': 'Janelle Monáe Robinson'}, 'pronouns': ['They', 'Them', 'Their']}

family_dict = {'elder': [{'child_1': [], 'child_2': [{'grandchild_2_1': []}, {'grandchild_2_2': []}]}]}
family = Dict2Dot(family_dict)
family.elder[0].child_1.extend(['has two dogs', 'has a bird'])
family.elder[0].child_2[-1].grandchild_2_2.append('has 1 dog')
# {'elder': [{'child_1': ['has two dogs', 'has a bird'], 'child_2': [{'grandchild_2_1': []}, {'grandchild_2_2': ['has 1 dog']}]}]}

# <class 'dict2dot.Dict2Dot'>

# <class 'dict'>

other_dot2dict = Dict2Dot()
other_dot2dict.a_new_key = 'a new value'
# a new value


Using Python Shell/REPL, autocomplete should respond. Assign a variable to a Dict2Dot dictionary instantiation and use the to autocomplete the dictionary keys after the dot:

from dict2dot import Dict2Dot
d2d = Dict2Dot({'dogs': {'breeds': ['Golden Retriever']}})
d2d.dogs.bre  # hit the <tab> key to complete "breeds"

Note: autocomplete will not respond inside a list.

from dict2dot import Dict2Dot
d2d = Dict2Dot({'name': {'first': 'First name'}, 'parents': [{'mom': "Mom's name"}, {'dad': "Dad's name"}]})
d2d.name.fir  # hitting <tab> autocompletes "first"
d2d.name.paren  # hitting <tab> autocompletes "parents"
d2d.parents[0].mom  # no autocomplete available


Please try from command line:

python -c "import dict2dot; print(dict2dot.__doc__)"

Documentation can also be found in docs.


  • Read child dictionaries in parent iterators other than list or dict
  • Remove keys and nested keys previously set
  • Add recursing limitation option
  • Add a tree exhibition of the keys
  • Try to enable autocomplete for nested D2D in lists: d2d.parents[0].mom
  • Update documentation (in the "docs" dir)