Prerequisites and Installation Requirements
- .NET Core 3.1
- Visual Studio 2019
Clone this repository.
Compile it.
In order to use the SQL Broker, Service Broker for the database mus be enabled: The following command can be used: ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET ENABLE_BROKER
At hit F5 the database NewsFeed will be created and populated: Data base local connection server is in NewsFeed\appsettings.json: Server=(localdb)\ProjectsV13 Please change as your local sql server name The users created are:
username: user1 password: abc@123 role: Publisher
username: user2 password: abc@123 role: Reader
Execute the NewsFeed project and enter with the previous credentials. Use the command dotnet run
- Users can subscribe to a news feed.
- Users can view items in a news feed.
- Users can search for news feed items.
- Users can see a listing of all news items from all feeds.
- Users with the role "Publisher" can add a news
SignalR Funcionalities
Following the article has been added the funcionalities of to emit notifications to client side on changes in the table News