
An anti-Pythonic declarative strict interface definition and validation system.

Primary LanguagePython

Marrow Interface

An anti-Pythonic declarative strict interface definition and validation system.

© 2011, Alice Bevan-McGregor and contributors.


1. What is Marrow Interface?

Marrow Interface is a light-weight—less than 200 lines of code—flexible, declarative schema system for Python objects. If you are familiar with Object Relational Mappers (ORMs) or Object Document Mappers (ODMs) then this style of system should already be familiar.

Marrow Interface provides deep runtime checking of these objects using simple isinstance calls. It is encouraged to check these objects as early as possible in your application’s lifespan; the best location, if possible, is during configuration or startup. Additionally, if you are writing extensible software, plugins conforming to your API should not need to be aware of the literal interface at any time other than during unit test execution.

An example of this dependency issue is for a template engine. The template engine may want to have a helper that conforms to the API used by a web framework; using other solutions the template engine would need to require the web framework be installed to declare its support for that API. This isn’t very desirable.

An additional issue is that of double-checking. The double-check problem is that while an object may declare that it supports an interface, it can lie. The consumer (code which uses the object) still has to check before using it, thus there is no benefit in declaring support for an interface up-front. The cost for this is the aforementioned reverse dependancy which when combined with the double-check problem, is needless.

Marrow Interface solves these problems by automating the introspection of an object needed to validate that it does, in fact, conform to a given API.

1.1. Why Avoid Duck Typing?

Duck typing—where if it walks like a duck (probably does what you expect it to do), talks like a duck (supports an implicit shared interface), it’s probably a duck—is great for core Python APIs such as dictionary access. This type of implicit API suffers from a small set of rather significant problems:

  • You can only confirm an object does what you want by trying it out. This means you can’t check things ahead of time, for example, during configuration versus first use. This means errors can crop up in unexpected places far removed from the last place you had anything to do with a given object.
  • You have to handle all sorts of errors: AttributeError, TypeError, and possibly others like ValueError and NotImplementedError. This makes exception handling for exceptions you expect a given API to generate more difficult, especially considering that raw except blocks (exception handlers that catch anything) are just as likely to eat real exceptions raised by bugs or incompatible data.

Duck typing works great if there are no bugs. There are always bugs. It also works great if you can have 100% trust that an object will always be treated a certain way; this kind of trust can only be reliably given to the standard library. To be truly safe and robust you have to assume everyone is lying to you.

Most of the rationale behind Abstract Base Classes applies here as well.

As a rather off-colour analogy, consider this conversation:

  • Boyfriend: “We’re going to have sex!”
  • Girlfriend: “No we’re not.”
  • Boyfriend: (hurt) “Oh.”

Duck typing replicates this conversation every time an attempt to use an object that does not conform to the specification is used. It’s abrupt, possibly rude, and would be a terrible way to brute-force a conversation in real life.

1.2. What About Abstract Base Classes or Zope Interface?

Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) offer a registry in addition to subclass-based membership. Because of this:

  • Objects which implement an interface must have knowledge of that ABC. This sets up a reverse dependancy, which is problematical for reasons elaborated upon in the next section.
  • ABCs are themselves concrete classes. They aren’t truly abstract unlike the more strict definition used by C++ and Java.
  • You can potentially have metaclass conflicts when subclassing from parent classes with different metaclasses.
  • You do not avoid the double-check problem.

To continue the analogy, consider this conversation:

  • Boyfriend: “I’d like to have sex!”
  • Girlfriend: “Could we have sex?”
  • Boyfriend: “I can do that.”

Zope Interface (z.i) suffers from all the same problems, except for the subclassing issue. In z.i you execute function calls at the class scope to register your adherence to an interface. Zope Interface also has a clear distinction between class-level implementation of a protocol, and objects which provide the interface.

2. Installation

Installing marrow.interface is easy, just execute the following in a terminal: 1

pip install marrow.interface

If you add marrow.interface to the install_requires argument of the call to setup() in your application’s setup.py file, marrow.interface will be automatically installed and made available when your own application is installed. We recommend using “less than” version numbers to ensure there are no unintentional side-effects when updating. Use "marrow.interface<1.1" to get all bugfixes for the current release, and "marrow.interface<2.0" to get bugfixes and feature updates, but ensure that large breaking changes are not installed.

2.1. Development Version

Development takes place on GitHub in the marrow.interface project. Issue tracking, documentation, and downloads are provided there.

Installing the current development version requires Git, a distributed source code management system. If you have Git, you can run the following to download and link the development version into your Python runtime:

git clone https://github.com/marrow/marrow.interface.git
(cd marrow.interface; python setup.py develop)

You can upgrade to the latest version at any time:

(cd marrow.interface; git pull; python setup.py develop)

If you would like to make changes and contribute them back to the project, fork the GitHub project, make your changes, and submit a pull request. This process is beyond the scope of this documentation; for more information, see GitHub’s documentation.

3. Basic Usage

The use of Marrow Interface requires no support on the part of the producer; objects can be checked for conformance regardless of any knowledge that they will be examined.

To check an interface, simply use isinstance a la:

from marrow.interface.base import IMapping
from collections import UserDict
assert isinstance(UserDict(), IMapping)

3.1. Declaring an Interface

To declare an interface create a new class which derives from Interface or another Interface subclass and utilize the declarative schema objects. For example:

from marrow.interface import Interface
from marrow.interface.schema import Method
class IMapping(Interface):
    __assume_interface__ = (dict,)
    __getitem__ = Method(args=1)
    __setitem__ = Method(args=2)
    __delitem__ = Method(args=1)

The __assume_interface__ attribute of an Interface allows you to define an interface that accepts built-in types that can not be introspected.

3.2. Schema

The following schema classes are available.

3.2.1. Attribute

This is the base class for all schema objects and accepts a basic set of validation options. This simply ensures that the attribute exists and matches the optional initializer arguments.

Argument Description
doc=None Docstring for this attribute. This is the only argument that can be passed positionally.
value=NoDefault Compare the value of the attribute when checking the interface.
exact=NoDefault Compare the identity (using is) of the attribute.
validator=None A callback, accepting the value to be checked as the only argument, that returns True if valid, False otherwise.

These validation options may seem odd, but they allow you to programatically verify state machines (or state in general) using interfaces; an unintentional feature we think is kinda neat.

3.2.2. Property(Attribute)

This extends the Attribute checks to include typecasting information, accepting the following additional argument:

Argument Description
type=None The type to check against via isinstance.

Additionally there are two subclasses of Property that accept no additional arguments:

Class Description
ClassProperty Ensure the property is defined at the class level and not overridden in the instance.
InstanceProperty The inverse of the above; ensure this value is set or overridden in the instance.

3.2.3. Callable(Attribute)

This schema class validates the argument specification of a callable.

Argument Description
like=None Copy the argument specification from another callable.
args=None The number of positional arguments. Absolute; there can be no more and no fewer.
optional=None The number of optional positional arguments. There may be more.
names=None The names of required keyword arguments. There may be others.
vargs=None If True, enforces the acceptance of unlimited positional arguments.
kwargs=None If True, enforces the acceptance of unlimited keyword arguments.

Additionally there are three subclasses of Callable that accept no additional arguments:

Class Description
Method Ensure the callable is a true class method, e.g. not a lambda or plain function.
ClassMethod A method defined using the classmethod decorator.
StaticMethod A method defined using the staticmethod decorator.

8. License

Marrow Tags has been released under the MIT Open Source license.

8.1. The MIT License

Copyright © 2011 Alice Bevan-McGregor and contributors.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


1 If Pip is not available for you, you can use easy_install instead. We have much love for Pip and Distribute, though.