
TypeScript LSP plugin that finds GraphQL documents in your code and provides hints and auto-generates types.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a TypeScript LSP Plugin that will recognise documents in your TypeScript code and help you out with hover-information, diagnostics, auto-complete and automatically generating Typed-Document-nodes


  • Hover information showing the decriptions of fields
  • Diagnostics for adding fields that don't exist, are deprecated, missmatched argument types, ...
  • Auto-complete inside your editor for fields
  • When you save it will generate typed-document-nodes for your documents and cast them to the correct type
  • Will warn you when you are importing from a file that is exporting fragments that you're not using


npm install -D @0no-co/graphqlsp


Go to your tsconfig.json and add

  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
        "name": "@0no-co/graphqlsp",
        "schema": "./schema.graphql"

now restart your TS-server and you should be good to go

Local development

Run pnpm i at the root. Open packages/example by running code packages/example or if you want to leverage breakpoints do it with the TSS_DEBUG_BRK=9559 prefix. When you make changes in packages/graphqlsp all you need to do is run pnpm i in your other editor and restart the TypeScript server for the changes to apply.

Ensure that both instances of your editor are using the Workspace Version of TypeScript