Pytorch implementation of our paper under review - Training Compact CNNs for Image Classification using Dynamic-coded Filter Fusion

Primary LanguagePython

Training Compact CNNs for Image Classification using Dynamic-coded Filter Fusion .

Running Code


  • Pytorch >= 1.0.1
  • CUDA = 10.0.0
  • thop = 0.0.31

Run Our Results


#* vgg16 step FLOPs_PR=76.8% Params_PR=92.8%
python main_cifar.py \
--data_set 'cifar10' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 300 \
--lr_decay_step 150 225 \
--lr 0.1 \
--weight_decay 5e-4 \
--lr_type 'step' \
--momentum 0.9 \
--arch vgg16 \
--cprate '[0.5]*2+[0.4]*2+[0.35]*3+[0.85]*6' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* googlenet step FLOPs_PR=70.1% Params_PR=66.3%
python main_cifar.py \
--data_set 'cifar10' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 300 \
--lr_decay_step 150 225 \
--lr 0.1 \
--weight_decay 5e-4 \
--lr_type 'step' \
--momentum 0.9 \
--arch googlenet \
--cprate '[0.0]*2+[0.8]+[0.0]+[0.8]*2+[0.0]*2+ ([0.0]+[0.9]+[0.0]+[0.9]*2+[0.0]*2)*3+ ([0.0]+[0.8]+[0.0]+[0.8]*2+[0.0]*2)*3+ ([0.0]+[0.9]+[0.0]+[0.9]*2+[0.0]*2)*2' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* resnet56 step FLOPs_PR=55.9% Params_PR=55.0%
python main_cifar.py \
--data_set 'cifar10' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 300 \
--lr_decay_step 150 225 \
--lr 0.1 \
--weight_decay 5e-4 \
--lr_type 'step' \
--momentum 0.9 \
--arch resnet56 \
--cprate '[0.7]*2+[0.5]*3+[0.3]*2+[0.4]+[0.8]+ [0.7]*2+[0.8]*4+[0.4]+[0.2]*2+[0.7]+[0.3]+[0.8]+[0.4]*2+[0.7]+[0.3]+[0.4]+[0.8]+ [0.0]*3' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* resnet110 step FLOPs_PR=66.6% Params_PR=67.9%
python main_cifar.py \
--data_set 'cifar10' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 300 \
--lr_decay_step 150 225 \
--lr 0.1 \
--weight_decay 5e-4 \
--lr_type 'step' \
--momentum 0.9 \
--arch resnet110 \
--cprate '[0.2]+[0.0]+[0.2]+[0.3]+[0.7]*2+[0.1]+[0.3]*2+[0.4]+[0.7]*2+[0.5]+[0.1]+[0.3]+[0.0]+[0.6]+[0.0]+[0.2]+[0.5]+[0.0]+[0.7]*2+[0.5]+[0.7]*2+[0.4]*2+[0.0]+[0.3]+[0.1]+[0.5]+[0.1]*3+[0.7]+ [0.1]*2+[0.3]*5+[0.5]+[0.7]+[0.2]+[0.4]+[0.7]*5+[0.5]+[0.1]+ [0.6]+[0.2]+[0.5]' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0


#* resnet50 step FLOPs_PR=76.7% Params_PR=71.0%
python main_imagenet.py \
--data_set 'imagenet' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 90 \
--lr_type 'step' \
--lr 0.1 \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--momentum 0.9 \
--arch resnet50 \
--cprate '[0.0]+[0.8]*10+[0.7]*6+[0.6]*10+[0.4]*6+[0.3]*4' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* resnet50 step FLOPs_PR=63.8% Params_PR=58.6%
python main_imagenet.py \
--data_set 'imagenet' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 90 \
--lr_type 'step' \
--lr 0.1 \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--momentum 0.9 \
--arch resnet50 \
--cprate '[0.0]+[0.6]*10+[0.5]*6+[0.5]*10+[0.4]*6+[0.2]*4' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* resnet50 step FLOPs_PR=45.3% Params_PR=40.7%
python main_imagenet.py \
--data_set 'imagenet' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 90 \
--lr_type 'step' \
--lr 0.1 \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--momentum 0.9 \
--arch resnet50 \
--cprate '[0.0]+[0.35]*10+[0.3]*6+[0.4]*10+[0.3]*6+[0.1]*4' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* resnet50 cos FLOPs_PR=63.0% Params_PR=56.8%
python main_imagenet.py \
--data_set 'imagenet' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 180 \
--lr_type 'cos' \
--lr 0.01 \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--momentum 0.99 \
--arch resnet50 \
--cprate '[0.0]+([0.5]*10+[0.5]*6)*2+[0.25]*3+[0.0]' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* resnet50 cos FLOPs_PR=66.7% Params_PR=53.8%
python main_imagenet.py \
--data_set 'imagenet' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 180 \
--lr_type 'cos' \
--lr 0.01 \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--momentum 0.99 \
--arch resnet50 \
--cprate '[0.0]+([0.7]*7+[0.45]*9)*2+[0.24]*3+[0.0]' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

#* resnet50 cos FLOPs_PR=75.1% Params_PR=74.3%
python main_imagenet.py \
--data_set 'imagenet' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--test_batch_size 256 \
--num_epochs 180 \
--lr_type 'cos' \
--lr 0.01 \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--momentum 0.99 \
--arch resnet50 \
--cprate '[0.0]+([0.43]*7+[0.73]*9)*2+[0.45]*3+[0.0]' \
--job_dir 'EXP' \
--gpus 0

Test our result


python test_compact_model.py \
--data_set 'cifar10' \ 
--data_path 'DATASET' \ # Input your data path of CIFAR-10 here
--test_batch_size 256 \
--arch [arch_name] \	# Input the corresponding network architecture here (vgg16/resnet56/resnet110/googlenet)
--cprate [cprate] \		# It can be found from the links in the following table
--resume_compact_model model_best_compact.pt \ # Input the pruned model path here. It can be downloaded from the links in the following table.
--gpus 0
Full Model Flops(PR) Parameter(PR) lr_type Accuracy Model
VGG-16 72.77M (76.83%) 1.06M (92.80%) step 93.47% pruned
ResNet-56 55.84M (55.88%) 0.38M (54.95%) step 93.26% pruned
ResNet-110 85.30M (66.55%) 0.56M (67.86%) step 93.80% pruned
GoogLeNet 457.22M (70.11%) 2.08M (66.28%) step 94.92% pruned


python test_compact_model.py \
--data_set 'imagenet' \
--data_path 'DATASET' \	# Input your data path of ImageNet here
--test_batch_size 256 \	
--arch [arch_name] \	# Input the corresponding network architecture here (resnet50)
--cprate [cprate] \		# It can be found from the links in the following table
--resume_compact_model model_best_compact.pt \	# Input the pruned model path here. It can be downloaded from the links in the following table.
--gpus 0
Full Model Flops(PR) Parameter(PR) lr_type Top1-Accuracy Top5- Accuracy Model
ResNet-50 0.96B (76.70%) 7.40M (71.03%) step 71.54% 90.57% pruned
ResNet-50 1.49B (63.75%) 10.58M (58.60%) step 74.21% 91.93% pruned
ResNet-50 2.25B (45.30%) 15.16M (40.67%) step 75.18% 92.56% pruned
ResNet-50 1.52B (62.96%) 11.05M (56.77%) cos 75.60% 92.55% pruned
ResNet-50 1.38B (66.41%) 11.81M (53.77%) cos 74.85% 92.41% pruned
ResNet-50 1.02B (75.11%) 6.56M (74.33%) cos 73.81% 91.59% pruned