
Webpage Scripts for PhantomJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains rough examples of what can be done with PhantomJS and Node.js together to gather metrics from a web page.

Node.js Script Runner

A Node.js runner, allowing for parallelizing multiple runs of the included PhantomJS scripts.

Note: Non-JSON output is extremely rough and needs some serious work.

npm install
  Usage: runner.js [options]


    -h, --help              output usage information
    -s , --script [string]  script to be run
    -r , --runs   [number]  number of runs [1]
    -j , --json             output in JSON format
    -m , --median           return median value


    $ ./runner.js -s timer -m -r 9 -j "http://google.com,http://github.com"

    $ ./runner.js -s grep -r 9 ./urls.txt ./strings.txt

    $ ./runner.js -s ./external/external.js -j ./urls.txt ./excluded.txt


  This is optimized for json output, otherwise, display for anything aside
  from simple timer output (e.g. ready and timer) needs a lot of work.

PhantomJS Scripts

To use the PhantomJS scripts directly, you must first install PhantomJS manually, see: http://phantomjs.org/download.html.

Include a summarized count of external domain requests.


The domain of the request is automatically excluded.

See: urls.txt.example, excluded.txt.example

Usage: external.js <URL(s)>|<URL file> [<EXCLUDE(s)>|EXCLUDE file>] [--json]

Sample Output:

$ ./external/external.js https://github.com
Regarding: https://github.com
> took 2208 msec

External Requests:
 - github.global.ssl.fastly.net [8]
 - github.com [6]
 - ssl.google-analytics.com [2]
 - collector-cdn.github.com [1]
 - collector.githubapp.com [1]

$ ./external/external2.js https://github.com
Regarding: https://github.com
> took 2080 msec

External Requests:
* github.com
  -> github.global.ssl.fastly.net [8]
* github.com
  -> ssl.google-analytics.com [2]
* github.com
  -> collector.githubapp.com [1]

Page load timings.

See: urls.txt.example

Usage: timing.js <URL(s)>|<URL file> [--json]

Sample Output:

$ ./timing/timing.js http://github.com
Regarding: http://github.com
> took 2216 msec

Searching for strings in a page body.

Warning: The passed string to viable RegExp needs work.

See: urls.txt.example, strings.txt.example

Usage: grep.js <URL(s)>|<URL file> <STRING(s)>|<STRING(s) file> [--json]

Sample Output:

$ ./grep/grep.js https://github.com '.js'
Regarding: https://github.com
> took 2936 msec

- .js: 8

Report $(document).ready time.

See: urls.txt.example

Usage: grep.js <URL(s)>|<URL file> [--json]

Sample Output:

$ ./ready/ready.js https://github.com
Regarding: https://github.com
> ready after:    765 msec
> complete after: 2417 msec