The source code of "Hsieh NH, Bois FY, Tsakalozou E, Ni Z, Yoon M, Sun W, Klein M, Reisfeld B, Chiu WA. A Bayesian population physiologically based pharmacokinetic absorption modeling approach to support generic drug development: application to bupropion hydrochloride oral dosage forms. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 2021 Sep; 22:1-6"
codes: The R source code to reproduce the modeling and analyze result. The script in
can use to generatemod.exe
. -
datasets: The raw bupropion PK data and physicological/chemical-specific parameters.
MCSim: The source fils of GNU MCSim software and the related modeling files that can conduct MCMC simulation and prediction.
outputs: The files in the output folder are generated by the above R code and datasets.
plots: All plots showed in the manuscript were saved with fig{number}.jpeg. The suppl folder includes the supplementary figures.
The manuscript (word document) is created by manucript.Rmd
The supplemental material (pdf document) is created by supplementary.Rmd