The tutorial to run GNU MCSim under R(Studio)
- Use "mcsim_tutorial.Rproj" to open the R project.
- All materials were written in R Markdown.
- Slides were created by R xaringan package.
- Be sure to pre-install the necessary R packages as follow.
pkgs <- c("rmarkdown", "xaringan","httk", "devtools", "tidyverse",
"pksensi", "sensitivity", "rstan", "bayesplot", "hexbin", "corrplot")
More details about "MCSim under R"" can find HERE
- OS: Windows 7, Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
- R 3.6.0
- GNU MCSim 6.1.0
Tutorial 0: Tutorial 0: GNU MCSim Introductory
Tutorial 1: Walk-through of working models
Tutorial 2: Uncertainty and senitivity analysis
Slides Demo Supplementary Record
Tutorial 3: Markov Chain Monte Marlo Calibration