Take-home Assignment (Full Stack)


  1. Enter the database URL shared via email, in the .env file parameter named DATABASE_URL before executing the following steps.

Follow the below steps to run the project:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository. git clone https://github.com/nani28/ECapital-Assessment.git
  2. Go to the folder named ECapital-Assessment. cd ECapital-Assessment
  3. Install the required dependencies on server side. npm install .
  4. Open another terminal to install the required dependencies for client side.
    cd client
    npm install .
    npm run build
  5. Go to the first terminal and start the server. npm run start
  6. Go to the second terminal and start the client. npm run prod
  7. Open browser and visit http://localhost:3000/.

Assumptions :

  1. The database tables will be reinitialized as per the content in data.json, whenever the server starts or restarts.



  • Create an Employee Table web application
  • Use any front-end framework (Angular, React, Vue, etc...) or CSS library to accomplish this
  • Implement the back-end API with the back-end framework of your choice, and a SQL database
  • What we're looking for is your demonstration of best practices in terms of UI design, organization, code style, GIT commits, and documentation

Functional Requirements:

  • Initially, list all employees that are in data.json
    • First name, last name, department, and salary in currency format (i.e. $42,000)
  • Implement the following CRUD operations
    • The ability to edit an employee
      • The department field must be a dropdown, with its values pulled from the database
    • The ability to delete an employee
    • The ability to create a new employee
    • Add validations as necessary

Technical Guidelines:

  • Structure your application and components in a modular/reusable way
  • Commit code with useful and informative comments
  • Your application doesn't have to use the data.json file directly, but have a SQL script to initialize your database with data found in that file
  • Implement API code to read and write to a SQL database
  • Styling: CSS or SCSS or SASS can be used, whichever you prefer (can use popular UI frameworks like Bootstrap as well)
  • You can use any supporting libraries you'd like.
  • You decide what's the best UI/UX. Use your imagination.
  • While anything beyond the minimum requirements might impress us, make sure you complete the base requirements first, and deliver on time.