
To support happy life of fish at home

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To support happy life of pet fish at home

R.I.P - Gwiyomi (Blue Betta Fish Male, Late October 2016 - 16 July 2017)

Gwiyomi was a first pet fish brought by my first daughter.

She got Gwiyomi from biology class of elementry school.

I learned a lot of knowledge to take care of happy life of Gwiyomi.

Unfortunately he passed away to Yong-gung(i.e. Dragon palace, fish version of heaven).

Now new Guppy family started their life in the same tank.

To memorize Gwiyomi and share knowledge, this repository is created.

Galup Collaboration

All things are possible by Galup collaboration.

Arm Docker Container

Basically fish-care-service is packed to arm docker container.

Referenced from resin.io blog (Building ARM containers on any x86 machine, even DockerHub)

Referenced from resin-io/qemu

Arduino Control via Firmata Protocol

For physical control of fish tank, arduino gpio is used.

fish-care-service control the arduino via firmata protocol.

Referenced from arduino firmata

I made GalupFirmata to support more sensors based on StandardFirmata.

Micro Servo Motor

Support auto feeding

Referenced from golang goduino

Power Relay

Support water pumped filter

Referenced from golang goduino

Adafruit Neopixel LED Strip

Support light

Referenced from Adafruit Neopixel

Analog PH Meter Sensor

Support PH value measurement

Referenced from dfrobot SEN0161 manual

Analog EC Meter Sensor

Support EC value measurement

Referenced from dfrobot DFR0300 manual

Analog Liquid Leak Sensor

Support Liquid leak status

Referenced from cooking-hacks leak sensor manual

Telegram Chat Bot Control

For remote control&report, telegram chat bot is used.

Referenced from golang telebot