
Kubernetes setup for Redash

Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DB upgrade after version upgrade

exec to one of the redash containers and run

bin/run ./manage.py db upgrade

Redash Setup For Kubernetes

If you arrived here, you probably know what Redash is.

If not, you're more than welcome to get yourself familiar with it.


  1. A working K8s cluster
  2. kubectl configured to work against your cluster
  3. A crypted htpasswd string for the web interface's basic auth
  4. A Docker repository you are able to push and pull images from
  5. A PostgreSQL database URL with the redash database (not schema, only database) already created.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone --recursive git@github.com:nanit/redash-kubernetes.git

  2. Run the deployment task from the makefile:

DOCKER_REPO=my_company_docker_repo \
REDASH_DATABASE_URL=postgres://redash-user@postgres/redash-db \
REDASH_NAME=my-redash \
REDASH_HOST=my-redash.my-company.com \
REDASH_MAIL_SERVER=my.smtp.com \
REDASH_MAIL_PASSWORD=smtp-password \
make deploy
  1. When the redash pod is ready run create_db in order to create the DB schema:

List your redash pods: kubectl get pods -l app=redash

Then run the command on the pod:

kubectl exec redash-3940390882-13xgl -c redash-web -- /app/bin/docker-entrypoint create_db

Just replace redash-3940390882-13xgl with your actual pod name


  1. Get the ELB hostname which is serving Redash:

kubectl get service redash -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}"

  1. Put it into the browser and set up the initial user.

That's it, you're in.