
low level ( char parsing ) generalised XML parser for Haxe

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


low level ( char parsing ) generalised XML parser for Haxe


Nodule is used to store 'nodes' or 'attributes' with data stored as a double linked tree structure, it keeps access to it's 'sisters', 'firstChild', 'firstAttribute' and 'parent'. The reader is also setup to process normal XML structures but may not provide any noticable speed advantages and may no be as robust?

Console Comparisoms

See Console log trace for the test here shows comparative parsing speed ( best viewed in firefox ). https://rawgit.com/nanjizal/Nodule/master/index.html

Using Nodule to render XML in Kha

Recently added a toKhaScreen method to Nodule, this is fast enough to be called in the Kha render loop to render the Nodule as XML with color coding.


This can be used quite simply.

class Empty {
   var droidSans: Font;
    var nodule: Nodule;
    public function new() {
    public function loadAll() {
       droidSans = Assets.fonts.DroidSans;
       nodule = ReadXML.toNodule( Assets.blobs.test_xml.toString() );
       Scheduler.addTimeTask(update, 0, 1 / 60);

  function render(framebuffer: Framebuffer): Void {
    var g = framebuffer.g2;
    g.font = droidSans;
    // some twilight colors grabbed from textmate
    var txtCol = 0xFF8F9D6A;
    var txtCol2 = 0xFF9FAD7A;
    var keywordCol = 0xFFCDA869;
    var variableCol = 0xFF7587A6;
    var entityCol = 0xFF9B703F;
    var storageCol = 0xFFF9EE98;
    var constantCol = 0xFFCF6A4C;
    var foldingsCol = 0xFF5A6A65;
    var stringCol = 0xFF8F9D6A;
    var commentCol = 0xFF5F5A60;
    var stringVarCol = 0xFF8A9A95;
    var supportFuncCol = 0xFFDAD085;
    var backSlashCol = 0xFF8B604F;
    var x = 0.;
    var y = 0.;
    var tab = '   ';
    nodule.toKhaScreen( g, tab, x, y, droidSans, 18, { arrows: entityCol, nodeName: keywordCol
                                , attributeName: supportFuncCol, attributeEquals:stringCol
                                , attributeQuotes: txtCol, attributeValue: txtCol2
                                , content: storageCol, backSlash: backSlashCol });