A complete example of an AWS Glue application that uses the Serverless Framework to deploy the infrastructure and DevContainers and/or Docker Compose to run the application locally with AWS Glue Libs, Spark, Jupyter Notebook, AWS CLI, among other tools. It provides jobs using Python Shell and PySpark.
- antonellaandreini
- asdleaCórdoba, Argentina
- carlagteixeiraPoços de Caldas - MG
- danibujan
- edamicoNaN Labs
- fedeisasBuenos Aires, Argentina
- giannativoNaNLABS
- joaquinzapata1@nanlabs
- martin-aliverti
- miacusso
- nathanmauro
- sabinoJoinville, SC, Brazil
- saschamcdonald
- sridhar9800Engineering Lead @Launch-Point-Limited, previously at @periwinkletrading.
- Toti-BiasottiLa Plata - Argentina
- ulises-jeremias@vlang @NaNLabs