
msgpack.org implementation for Rust language / msgpack.org[Rust]

Primary LanguageRust

rust-msgpack Build Status

Msgpack implementation for Rust language.


Simply include the rust-msgpack in your Cargo dependencies.


git = "git@github.com:mneumann/rust-msgpack.git"


extern crate msgpack;

fn main() {
  let arr = vec!["str1".to_string(), "str2".to_string()];
  let str = msgpack::Encoder::to_msgpack(&arr).ok().unwrap();
  println!("Encoded: {}", str);

  let dec: Vec<String> = msgpack::from_msgpack(str).ok().unwrap();
  println!("Decoded: {}", dec);

To enable your own data structures to be automatically serialized from and to msgpack, derive from Encodable and Decodable as shown in the following example:

extern crate serialize;

struct MyStruct {
  a: Vec<u32>,
  s: String


cargo test


This code licensed under the same terms as Rust itself: dual MIT/Apache2 license options.