AES-128 Implementation in Python 3.9
Multi-threaded using threading module, and threads use queues from Queue or queue module to communicate
It's slow, and I'm still learning python, looking for your feedback.
With ECB & CTR Modes
Threads :
read_thread [Producer -> q1] --> Read data as states(16-Byte), check if it needs padding and do it. Then put it on q1 queue to be consumed.
operate_thread [Consumer -> q1 then Producer -> q2] --> Get data from q1 as states(16-Bytes), check the data [] which was given when the thread created, do the appropriate operation. Then put the final value of the state to q1 Queue to be consumed.
write_thread [Consumer -> q2] --> Get data from q2 as states(16-Bytes), write it to the output file.
Command Line Arguments:
"-ecb" --> ECB Mode || "-ctr" --> CTR Mode
"-e" --> Encrypt || "-d" --> Decrypt
"-o" --> output file name || output file name = input file name + ".output"
"-k" --> read key value from the following file, will be read as bytesarray || key will be generated randomly
In case of CTR Mode :
"-iv" --> read IV from the following key || IV will be generated randomly
[ECB-Mode Encrypted | Read Key from "key.txt" | Name the output file "output.encrypted"]
python3 plain.txt -ecb -k key.txt -o output.encrypted -enc
[CTR-Mode | Generate Random Key | Read IV frim "IV.txt" | Name output file by default "cipher.aes.output"]
python3 cihper.aes -ctr -iv IV.txt