
Examples from my book Programming Games for Atari 2600

Primary LanguageAssembly

Programming Games for Atari 2600

by Oscar Toledo G. https://nanochess.org/

All of the source code from my book Programming Games for Atari 2600.

There is a bonus program here palette.asm that displays the Atari 2600 palette, and a file atari_palette.png containing a reference of colors because the book is black and white.


Page 15, it should say 36 to 61, instead of 37 to 62.

Page 98, missing a STA WSYNC just before LDA #2 at the top of page, and it should say LDA #42, instead of LDA #43. The timing is still correct with the errata, but the corrections prevent a bug on certain TV sets. Discovered by @MechPala (Twitter)

Page 124, after the source code line JMP M7 there should be another line M16: in order to define the label M16 to exit the loop. Discovered by @MechPala (Twitter)

Page 164-165, for the assembly code lines saying STA ENAM0 the comment should read "Enable/Disable Missile 0". Discovered by @MechPala (Twitter)

Page 245, the comment saying "Zero for PF1" should be "Zero for PF2". Discovered by @MechPala (Twitter)

Section 9.2 numbering is repeated but this doesn't affect the text, except if you are looking for the other section 9.2. Discovered by @MechPala (Twitter)


These games are fully commented in my new book Programming Games for Atari 2600, including a crash course on 6507 programming!

Now available from Lulu and Amazon:

These are some of the example games documented profusely in the book:

  • Game of Ball.
  • Wall Breaker.
  • Invaders.
  • The Lost Kingdom.
  • Diamond Craze.