TI99/4A examples suite. by Oscar Toledo G. http://nanochess.org/ Here you'll find some samples of code I've wrote for the TI99/4A. This computer is based on the TMS9900 processor but has a TMS9918 video processor and SN76489 sound chip just like the Colecovision, though the TI99 has only 256 bytes of internal memory. The cartridges are loaded typically at >6000 thru >7FFF hello.asm A simple Hello program astrocube.asm Astro Cube game written for the 4K compo at Atariage, won 5th place of 9. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/276364-4k-shortnsweet-game-contest-submissions/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vg2Msq2pCM You'll find a short resume of TI99/4A hardware at the start of each example. Also I've took note of the default VDP/VRAM configuration after starting a cartridge, because this saves bytes and time preparing the system. I found the TMS9900 16-bits processor not so different of Intellivision CP1610 processor. The TMS9900 has 16 registers named R0-R15, you need to setup a workspace because registers are preserved in RAM, called scratchspace because is a very high-speed memory. The stack pointer is recommended in R10, the Link Pointer is in R11 (Branch & Link instruction) The memory is addressed in bytes. My main reference for assembler programming was this one: http://www.unige.ch/medecine/nouspikel/ti99/assembly.htm Comments are started by an asterisk, these should be separated by at least two spaces from mnemonics or operands. Hexadecimal numbers are preceded with > Labels must carry a @ symbol to distinguish them from registers, except in immediate instructions like LI, AI and CI. Same as Intellivision and 6502, substraction carry sense is reversed. (Carry set equals no carry)