Docker is container runs as a guest operating system. It is pretty similar like VM but vm does not share their resources with other vm. On the other hand container share their resources with other container on same host machine.
First build a node app with express generator like below:
mkdir docker-node-test
cd docker-node-test
npm install -g express-generator
express -f
touch Dockerfile
Now update your docker file based on your requirements. Here is mine
FROM node:7
COPY package.json /app
COPY . /app
RUN npm install
CMD ["npm", "start"]
Here is the explanations of the above code base
FROM node:7
-- You are telling to docker to get node 7 to build your project from wherever
docker knows where to get it.
-- Create a directory inside of the container called "app"
COPY package.json /app
-- copy your local package.json to the containers app directory
COPY . /app
-- Copy your whole applications to the app folder/direcoty of the container
RUN npm install
-- Run npm install to fetch all the project dependency
CMD ["npm", "start"]
-- Start your node application.
-- You are exposing the application port to outside of the container
docker build -t your-tag-for-the-applications .
-t is used to tag the app
docker run -p your-host-machine-port:your-exposed-port-from-docker YourAppName
docker ps yourappname
First Singup an account at
Now build the app again for your docker account
docker build -t [your-docker-hub-username]/yourProjectName
Now login to your docker hub account:
docker login
Enter your user name and password
Now push your code to docker hub.
docker push [your-dockerhub-username]/yourProjectName
Now you can run your docker image on any server or PC with docker installed
docker pull
docker run [your-dockerhub-username]/yourProjectName
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)