
An Arweave.js dapp wallet aggregator for React/NexJS. (similar to useWallet but for Arweave.)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An Arweave.js dapp wallet aggregator for react. (similar to useWallet but for Arweave.)



Add it to your project:

yarn add arjs-react 

example project hosted on the permaweb:


Use it in your React app:


import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'
import { ArjsProvider, useArjs } from 'arjs-react'

function _App() {
      const  wallet  = useArjs();
      const permission = { permissions: ["SIGN_TRANSACTION"] }
      const [key, setKey] = useState('')

  const activate = (connector, key) => wallet.connect(connector, key)
    const getKey = (e) =>{ setKey(e.target.value)}

    const [balance, setBalance] = useState("Requesting...");
    const [address, setAddress] = useState("Requesting...");

    wallet.ready(() => {
      if(wallet.status == "connected")(async () => {
      setBalance(wallet.getArweave().ar.winstonToAr( await wallet.getBalance("self")))
      setAddress(await wallet.getAddress())

      {wallet.status == "connected" ? (
          <div>Account: {address}</div>
          <div>Balance: {balance}</div>
          <button onClick={() => wallet.disconnect()}>disconnect</button>
      ) : (
          <button onClick={() => activate('arweave', key)}>Arweave (with Key)</button>
          <input type="text" value={key} placeholder={'key here'} onChange={getKey}/>
          <button onClick={() => activate('arconnect', permission)}>ArConnect</button>

    //wrap the root component with <ArjsProvider />
    function App(){
      return (

            //Add wallets here
                arconnect: true,
                arweave: true
            //enable/disable smartweave contract interaction here
        <_App />

export default App 


<ArjsProvider />

This is the provider component. It should be placed above any component using useArjs(). Apart from children, it can accept four other props:


Enables smartweave transactions in wallet.arweave.smartweave. Defaults to false.


Configuration for the different connectors. accepts a key: dapp wallet name with a truthy value, may accept wallet configurations when new wallets are added.

  • arweave: {}
  • arconnect: {}


Gateway accepts an abject with the arweave gateway parameters identical to the input for Arweave.init({}), if not implemented the code will default to arweave.net. This can be useful for use with a testnet (testnet interoperability untested)


The default poll rate used in all wallet.poll() when a rate is not explicitly set in the wallet.poll() function. is set 2000(ms) by default.


This is the hook to be used throughout the app. It returns an object representing the connected account (“wallet”), containing:

  • connect(connectorId, arg): Call this function with a connector ID to “connect” to a provider (see above for the connectors provided by default) and an arg which can either be the arconnect permissions to request or the wallet key to initialize "Arweave.js".
  • ready(callback) : Runs a function once a wallet is selected and state = "connected". callback nested in an if statement status = "connected" wrapped in a useEffect with [arweave, status] as dependents.
  • poll(callback, rate) : Runs a loop function with delay rate once a wallet is selected and state = "connected". if statement, if status = "connected" wrapped in a with useEffect with [arweave, status] as dependents. if rate is not set poll() will use the PollRate set in <ArjsProvider /> or it's default value 2000(ms). can be interchanged with ready() if the callback is required to be run in interval (e.g., a wallet polling the most updated balance).
  • connector: The "key" of the wallet you're connected to (e.g., "arweave", "arconnect").
  • connectors: The full list of connectors.
  • disconnect(): Call this function to “disconnect” from the current provider. This will this will not disconnect arconnect to disconnect from arconnect use arweave.disconnect() in the wallet object.
  • status: Contains the current status of the wallet connection. The possible values are:
    • "disconnected": no wallet connected (default state).
    • "connecting": trying to connect to the wallet.
    • "connected": connected to the wallet (i.e. the account is available).
    • "failed": a connection error happened.
  • All the children of arweave shown below except disconnect are available directly in the wallet object
  • arweave:
  • isloading: Integer that increases when smartweave.write smartweave.read smartweave.iread smartweave.sign smartweave.post are ran and decreases by on as each function completes execution. (may remove this for the non sw functions in a later update.)
  • loadStatus("add" | "sub"): loadStatus("add") increments isloading by one, loadStatus("sub") decrements isloading by one.
    • transaction(data): returns arweave.createTransaction(data)
    • post(transaction): returns arweave.transactions.post(transaction)
    • addTag(transaction, name, value): returns transaction.addTag(name, value)
    • sign(transaction): returns arweave.transactions.getUploader(transaction)
    • smartweave: returns:
      • write(input, id) executes interactWrite(arweave, wallet, id, input)
      • read(id) executes readContract(arweave, id) (Can be executed without initializing a wallet.)
      • iread(id) executes interactRead(arweave, wallet, id, input)
      • click here for Smartweave SDK readme.
    • getArweave: returns "the Arweave.js object provided by the connected wallet."
    • disconnect: returns window.arweaveWallet.disconnect() only available when connected with ArConnect.
    • getBalance: returns "current wallet balance in winston as string"
    • getAddress: returns "current wallet address as string"

Bonus 🍬

Added smartweave interactRead support for ArConnect.


To run the examples, switch to the respective directories. Then, simply run yarn dev.

Special thanks

arjs-react is a greatly inspired by useWallet() and it's file structure.