
A production recipe sharing tool built on Secure Scuttlebutt as a decentralized database.

Primary LanguageClojure


A Decentralized Platform for Supply chain and Resource Management, which allows creation and sharing of production Recipes, Inventory management, scheduling and production costing with a Supplier and Customer Market place built on the Secure Scuttlebutt protocol to provide securely signed cryptographic ledgers that are distributed via a decentralized gossip network.


Development Mode

Run application:

This application can be run in a Clojurescript developement mode by using Shadow-cljs build tool. At the command line run the following, to install.

npm install -g shadow-cljs

Then compile and hot reload changes that you make to the source file:

shadow-cljs watch server

Launch the node server:

node out/main.js

and compile the client similarly

shadow-cljs watch client

Wait a bit, then browse to http://localhost:3449.


In Emacs connect with Cider to Clojurescript REPL use 'M-x cider-connect', then run the following at the repl:

(shadow.cljs.devtools.api/nrepl-select :server) 

Then switch to the server.main namespace from REPL

(in-ns 'server.core)

Or connect to REPL for the build from the command line:

shadow-cljs cljs-repl app

Compile Release build

shadow-cljs release app



How to Guides


Reference Guide



  • see the Glossary and Datastructure section of Notes.org