
Manipulate Redash from vim.

This plugin tested with Redash 2.0.0+b2990.


  • Using NeoBundle, add these lines to your .vimrc

    NeoBundle 'nanonanomachine/vim-redash', {
    \ 'depends': ['mattn/webapi-vim']
  • Using Vundle, add these lines to your .vimrc

    Plugin 'mattn/webapi-vim'
    Plugin 'nanonanomachine/vim-redash'

Getting started

  1. Create .redash.vim in your home directroy.

     $ touch ~/.redash.vim
  2. Edit .redash.vim the following:

     let g:redash_vim = {
     \ 'api_key':      'your_api_key',
     \ 'api_endpoint': 'your_api_endpoint',
  • api_key - Redash API Key. To get it, go to your account in Redash, the number in the URL just after /users/ is your User ID, i.e. {your_api_endpoint}/users/{user id}. API key is also in your user settings, select the API KEY tab and copy it from there.

  • api_endpoint - Redash endpoint URL, e.g.


  1. Set DataSource by calling :RedashSetDataSource [data_source_id]. You can show available DataSources by calling :RedashShowDataSources. Once you set a data source id it preserves so you don't need to set again.
  2. Write some SQL. You can all :RedashShowTables and :RedashDescribe [table_name] to get some usable information.
  3. If you wanna post it as a new query, call :RedashPost. If you wanna just execute it and show result in vim, call :RedashExecute.


['1: Re:dash Metadata', '2: some_data_source', '3: another_data_source']
No DataSource set. You can call :RedashShowDataSources and :RedashSetDataSource command

:RedashSetDataSource 2

['some_table', 'another_table']

:RedashDescribe some_table
['some_column', 'another_column']

" Write some sql like SELECT some_column FROM some_table LIMIT 1;


Provided Commands

  • :RedashDescribe [table_name] - Show columns of the table

  • :RedashExecute - Execute query of current buffer and show the result in a new buffer

  • :RedashPost - Post query of current buffer and show the result in browser

  • :RedashSetDataSource [data_source_id] - Set DataSource. You must specify DataSource ID.

  • :RedashShowDataSources - Show available DataSources. The leading numbers are DataSource Ids

  • :RedashShowTables - Show table lists of current DataSource


