
Sample_id ERROR

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I've been converting some single fast5 read files to multi read without any issues, but when I'm trying to convert them to pod5 I am met with this error:ERROR:pod5:Enqueueing exception: batch_11.fast5 'sample_id'.
The multi read fast5 files work fine as I basecalled them with dorado to see if the issue was when converting them to multi read.

@Vsd1106 , are you using v0.2.3?

I was using the 0.2.2 version. I updated now to the 0.2.3 and works perfectly fine!

This issue should be fixed in v0.2.3

[0.2.3] 2023-06-26
>>> Default field values (empty string) when converting fast5 files with missing fields

Please upgrade your installation with:

pip install -U pod5==0.2.3