
Installation error

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I wanted to install the Pomoxis package, and followed the installation instructions. All pre-requested packages are installed, but still I get the following error during installation.

error installing pomoxis

It seems that something goes wrong with the installation of Racon. The gcc is at higher version then required, as you can see in the screenshot as well.

How can I fix this?

cjw85 commented

Hi @JesseBNL,

Thank you for your interest in pomoxis.

From the screenshot above, the most I can surmise is that for some reason the racon source code hasn't been fetched (the can't cd to submodules/racon error). Can I check that you used the --recursive option whilst running git clone (as in I'd find it surprising if this is the issue, since if it were I would have expected the build to have failed earlier.

Can you report back with the contents of the submodules directory (with e.g. ls submodules/*), and all the commands you ran to get to the point at which you are at?