Welcome to my professional portfolio, showcasing my work, projects, and interests. Explore the live site at https://andrej.nankov.mk/.
I am Andrej Nankov, a seasoned professional with a diverse skill set and a passion for innovation. Learn more about my background, skills, and experiences that shape my professional journey.
Discover a curated selection of projects that highlight my expertise and creativity.
Example Project 1
- Description: Brief overview of the project.
- Link: Project 1
Example Project 2
- Description: Brief overview of the project.
- Link: Project 2
Your feedback is valuable. Feel free to explore and reach out!
Connect with me to discuss opportunities, collaborations, or just to say hello.
- Email: andrejnankov@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: nanorocks
This portfolio is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
Explore the API documentation using the provided Postman file for seamless integration and testing.
- The entire API is now powered by WordPress, with an integrated admin panel for streamlined CRUD operations.
- Access the admin panel: https://wpadmin.nankov.mk/
- Reference: WordPress REST API Documentation
Clear the cache by navigating to domain_name/cache/clear
Experience a sophisticated client application built with Laravel, incorporating HTML templates for dynamic content rendering. Advanced features include SEO optimization, HotJar, and Google Analytics integration.
Explore the client app: https://nankov.mk/
Secure authentication is implemented using Laravel Passport with OAuth 2 - Password Grant Tokens. Access the login page via <domain>/login
with the added convenience of Laravel Breeze.
Execute these commands for optimal functionality:
npm install
- Install dependencies (run at root).npm run build
- Build the project (run at root).php artisan migrate
- Run migrations (once during setup).php artisan passport:install
- Create "personal access" and "password grant" clients for generating access tokens.php artisan db:seed
- Seed the database to create the initial user.php artisan monitoring:record
- for monitoring, its added in kernel.php for running on every 10 minutesphp artisan command:init
- for running migrate:fresh with passport:install & db:seed* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
- for running a schedule on cron server
- Laravel pulse for monitoring