
Regripper plugins

Primary LanguagePerl


List of Regripper plugins

  • advanced_ip_scanner.pl
    • Parses the following keys and values of the NTUSER.DAT hive:
      • Key: Software\famatech\advanced_IP_scanner
        • Value: locale: User's language setting.
        • Value: locale_timestamp: First time application is executed.
        • Value: run: Application version.
      • Key: Software\famatech\advanced_IP_scanner\State
        • Value: IpRangesMruList: Shows all the ranges scanned by the tool. Prefix first digit indicates frequency.
        • Value: LastRangeUsed: Indicates last range/target scanned
        • Value: SearchMruList: Shows the values searched via the application GUI
        • Value: LAST_OFN_DIR: Last directory used for importing targets file or saving output scan
    • Reference: Based on the info found at https://www.huntandhackett.com/blog/advanced-ip-scanner-the-preferred-scanner-in-the-apt-toolbox


  • Place the plugin files in your regripper plugins folder, usually located at /usr/share/regripper/plugins/
  • Run the plugin with rip.pl -p advanced_ip_scanner -r <NTUSER.DAT_file>