This is a native extension to Ruby that adds native (C) statistical functions to the Array class. At present the following functions are provided:
- Sample Standard Deviation (stdev, stdevs)
- Population Standard Deviation (stdevp)
- Sample Variance (var)
- Population Variance (varp)
Check the TravisCI build to see the currently supported versions of Ruby. This list will match whatever stable versions are specified at
It is much more performant than calculating the standard deviation with pure Ruby. For a comparison, run the benchmarks with rake.
bench_native_dispersion 0.000686 0.000628 0.000595 0.000475 0.000590
bench_ruby_dispersion 0.002630 0.004559 0.002589 0.002909 0.002812
require 'ruby_native_statistics'
r = [1,3,21,32,42]
# calculate sample standard deviation, you can also use "stdevs"
p r.stdev
# calculate population standard deviation
p r.stdevp
This is the third version of this gem, and it is a total rewrite of a SWIG-based design. Lots of thanks to the following resources: