A simple mega millions + mega number generator.
You *MUST install the rainbow gem for the pretty colorized output seen above:
gem install rainbow
- Shell / Commandline (CLI) application allowing:
- Rapid selection of Mega Millions number scheme 1-5 / 1..75
- Instant selection of Mega Millions Mega number scheme 1 / 1..15
- Script can be easily modified to output a range of numbers vs the default 1.
Tested on ruby version/s: * ruby 2.0.0p353
ruby 2.0.0p0 (2013-02-24 revision 39474)
ruby 1.9.3
- 12/18/2013 - Updated script to reflect new mega millions numbering scheme!
- 04/29/2013 - Major overhaul
- 04/06/2013 - Updated code
- Possible GUI interface in the future
- Rick Flores (nanotechz9l) -- 0xnanoquetz9l[--at--]gmail.com
This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the new BSD License.