Depends: sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 python-webkit sudo apt-get install libflashplugin #(or flashplugin-nonfree) Depends for flash-thumbnailer: sudo apt-get install xvfb Usage: flashplayer [OPTS] file.swf Or: [OPTS] file.swf OPTS: --hide-menubar Start without displaying the menubar and display the inner close-button --window-type <toplevel/popup> Set main window type, toplevel or popup --hide-button Hide the inner close-button --screenshot-file file.png Filename pattern for screenshot images the main window will display and auto exit -j arg Set window width -k arg Set window height -X arg -Y arg Set window position Examples: flashplayer file.swf flashplayer --hide-menubar file.swf flashplayer --hide-menubar --hide-button file.swf flashplayer --hide-menubar -j500 -k400 file.swf flashplayer --window-type=popup -j500 -k400 -X200 -Y300 file.swf Usage of flash-thumbnailer: flash-thumbnailer [OPTS] --screenshot-file file.png file.swf Compile (Optional): sudo apt-get install make gcc cython python-dev cd flashplayer-pygtk make License: GPL 3.0,