
Learning Combine and SwiftUI framework

Primary LanguageSwift

Thank you Paul Hudson for writing Hacking with Swift. Infact all his books Rocks! 👍

Thank you Joe Heck for writing Using Combine it rocks 👍

Made this small simple little app while understanding Combine.

Thanks to all other authors at wenderlich.com, objc.io, Azamsharp, Kilo, plus all at medium.com

App content & what it does.

  1. The app is an re-rewrite Project 7 of Hacking with Swift by Paul Hudson using SwiftUI & Combine
  2. The app receives the data from an URL which sends output in JSON format.
  3. The app uses SwiftUI & Combine framework to get the data & store it in our arrays of Petition model.
  4. We display the stored data using List in SwiftUI. It displays title, body & url.
  5. Once we click an row it will show body from Details.swift file.

That's all it does. Cheers!