
Example DigitalOcean Kubernetes workload with service exposed through a DO load-balancer.

Primary LanguageHTML

Getting Started

  1. Create your Kubernetes cluster: doctl k8s cluster create example
  2. Check that your cluster is available: kubectl --context do-nyc1-example get nodes
  3. Deploy a workload to your cluster: kubectl --context do-nyc1-example apply -f manifest.yaml
  4. Wait for the service to be ready: script/wait-for-service do-nyc1-example doks-example
  5. Open the returned IP address in your browser, or run open http://$(kubectl --context do-nyc1-example get service doks-example --template="{{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{.ip}}{{end}}")

Or you can just run script/up to do all of this.

Cleaning up

Run script/down or doctl k8s cluster delete example