
mkgoprj - Golang project template generator

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build reviewdog Go Report Card

mkgoprj - Golang project template generator


mkgoprj command generate golang project template at current directory. The following three projects can be created.

  • Library project
  • Command Line Interface project with cobra

The automatically generated files include "Makefile for easy project management" and "GitHub Actions files (build, unit test, review-dog, goreleaser, dependabot)". However, it does not run "$ git init". mkgoprj is cross-platform software that runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. The release page contains packages in .deb, .rpm, and .apk formats.

How to install

Step1. Install golang

If you don't install golang in your system, please install Golang first. Check the Go official website for how to install golang.

Step2. Install mkgoprj

$ go install github.com/nao1215/mkgoprj/v2@latest

How to use

Generate application project

In the following example, the mkgoprj command will generate a sample project. The binary name will be sample, and build using Makefile.

$ mkgoprj cli github.com/nao1215/sample  ※ Argument is same as "$ go mod init"
mkgoprj starts creating the 'sample' application project (import path='github.com/nao1215/sample')

[START] check if mkgoprj can create the project
[START] create directories
[START] create files
        sample (your project root)
         ├─ CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
         ├─ main.go
         ├─ Makefile
         ├─ Changelog.md
         ├─ .goreleaser.yml
         ├─ cmd
         │  ├─ version.go
         │  └─ root.go
         ├─ .github
         │  ├─ dependabot.yml
         │  ├─ ISSUE_TEMPLATE
         │  │  ├─ issue.md
         │  │  └─ bug_report.md
         │  └─ workflows
         │     ├─ reviewdog.yml
         │     ├─ build.yml
         │     ├─ unit_test.yml
         │     ├─ release.yml
         │     └─ contributors.yml
         └─ internal
            ├─ cmdinfo
            │  └─ cmdinfo.go
            ├─ completion
            │  └─ completion.go
            └─ print
               └─ print.go
[START] Execute 'go mod init github.com/nao1215/sample'
[START] Execute 'go mod tidy'


$ cd sample
$ make build
$ ls
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md  Changelog.md  Makefile  cmd  go.mod  go.sum  internal  main.go  sample

Generate library project

$ mkgoprj library github.com/nao1215/sample
mkgoprj starts creating the 'sample' library project (import path='github.com/nao1215/sample')

[START] check if mkgoprj can create the project
[START] create directories
[START] create files
        sample (your project root)
         ├─ sample_test.go
         ├─ CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
         ├─ Makefile
         ├─ Changelog.md
         ├─ sample.go
         └─ .github
            ├─ dependabot.yml
            ├─ ISSUE_TEMPLATE
            │  ├─ issue.md
            │  └─ bug_report.md
            └─ workflows
               ├─ reviewdog.yml
               ├─ unit_test.yml
               └─ contributors.yml
[START] Execute 'go mod init github.com/nao1215/sample'


$ cd sample/
$ make test
env GOOS=linux go test -v -cover ./... -coverprofile=cover.out
=== RUN   TestHelloWorld
--- PASS: TestHelloWorld (0.00s)
coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok      github.com/nao1215/sample       0.002s  coverage: 100.0% of statements
go tool cover -html=cover.out -o cover.html

GitHub Actions

mkgoprj command generates the GitHub Actions listed in the table below when creating a project.

Action name Description
build Build the project
unit test Run unit test
reviewdog Static Analysis
release Release projects in units of git tags
contributors Generate Contributors.md

Self-documented Makefile

The Makefile generated by the mkgoprj command is self-documenting. When you run the make command, you will see the target list that exists in the Makefile. A help message is showed next to the target name.

$ make
build           Build binary 
clean           Clean project
fmt             Format go source code 
test            Start test
vet             Start go vet

If you want to add a new target, please comment with "##" next to the target. The string after "##" is extracted and used as a help message. An example is shown below.

build:  ## Build binary 
	env GO111MODULE=on GOOS=$(GOOS) $(GO_BUILD) $(GO_LDFLAGS) -o $(APP) cmd/sample/main.go

clean: ## Clean project
	-rm -rf $(APP) cover.out cover.html

Auto-generate shell completion file (for bash, zsh, fish)

mkgoprj command automatically generates shell completion files for bash, zsh, and fish. After the user executes mkgoprj, if the shell completion file does not exist in the system, the auto-generation process will begin. To activate the completion feature, restart the shell.

$ mkgoprj 
mkgoprj:INFO : append bash-completion file: /home/nao/.bash_completion
mkgoprj:INFO : create fish-completion file: /home/nao/.config/fish/completions/mkgoprj.fish
mkgoprj:INFO : create zsh-completion file: /home/nao/.zsh/completion/_mkgoprj


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! ❤️ See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information. Contributions are not only related to development. For example, GitHub Star motivates me to develop! Star History Chart


If you would like to send comments such as "find a bug" or "request for additional features" to the developer, please use one of the following contacts.


The mkgoprj project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.