
Display and control songs from the Windows taskbar

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Branch Build Status
Master (development) Build Status
Release Build Status

Audio Band

Audio Band allows you to display song information in the taskbar.


  • Displays song information - album art, artist, title, progress
  • Control your music - play/pause, previous/next
  • Add support for your music player of choice through plugins
  • Customizable

Current included support for

  • Spotify
  • iTunes
  • MusicBee


Getting started

Click here to get started

Audiosource development

Audio sources are the plugins that allow AudioBand to interface with different music players. Click here for the documentation

Building and development

Developer documentation can be found here including instructions for setting up the local development environment and an overview of the architecture.


Help is appreciated

  • Ask questions, report bugs, suggest features in issues
  • Send pull requests
  • Master branch is the main development branch




Logo by @mirzazulfan