
A convenient web application framework for Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Kocha Build Status

A convenient web application framework for Go

NOTE: Kocha is still under development, so API might be changed in future. If you still want to use the current version of Kocha, use of a version control such as gopkg.in is highly recommended.


  • Batteries included
  • All configurations are in Go's syntax
  • Generate an All-In-One binary
  • Compatible with net/http


  • Go 1.4 or later

Getting started

  1. install the framework:

     go get -u github.com/naoina/kocha

    And command-line tool

     go get -u github.com/naoina/kocha/cmd/...
  2. Create a new application:

     kocha new myapp

    Where "myapp" is the application name.

  3. Change directory and run the application:

     cd myapp
     kocha run


     cd myapp
     go build -o myapp


See http://naoina.github.io/kocha/ for more information.


Kocha is licensed under the MIT