
Hosts a gallery of your lolcommits.

  • Rails app

  • Requires signup/login (secured with GitHub OAuth login)

  • Hosted on Heroku;

Lolcommits Plugin

To auto upload your lolcommits;

  • Signup and login at the URL above

  • Click ‘New Repo’ to create a new repo (give it a name)

  • Install the lolcommits gem

  • Configure the ‘dot_com` plugin like so;

    lolcommits --config -p dot_com
    enabled: true
    api_key: {copy & paste your API key from Account Info}
    api_secret: {copy & paste your API key from Account Info}
    repo_id: { copy & paste from External Id from your new repo}


Some initial set up is involved after cloning this repository. First configure your local postgresql connection in config/database.yml

cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml

Setup initial env variables

cp .env.example .env

Install dependencies

bundle install
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Run the web server at localhost:3000;

bundle exec foreman start

To run the test suite;

bundle exec rake

GitHub OAuth

If you want to have Git OAuth work locally, you should create a new application at GitHub for local development;

Visit create a new app and make sure to set the following;

Homepage URL: http://localhost:3000
Authorization callback URL: http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback

Then paste your new GitHub application key and secret to app’s the local ‘.env` file.