
English / 日本語

Branch Result
main CI
develop CI

Table of Contents


Environmental Information

  • Xcode 14.2
  • macOS Monterey 12.5+


  1. Clone the project
    git clone https://github.com/naoki-mrmt/VolleyballScoreApp.git
    cd VolleyballScoreApp
  2. Enable faster builds for Swift projects (Optional)
    make enable-faster-builds
  3. Run make setup
  • Setup is complete, workspace will open in Xcode.

Open Project

  • pod install is complete, workspace will open in Xcode.


make help

setup                install bundler and bundle install, pod install
generate-xcworkspace generate xcworkspace
gem-install          gem install
bundle-install       bundle install
pod-install          bundle exec pod install
enable-faster-builds Enable faster builds for Swift projects
Xcode-build          Xcode build command for CI
Xcode-clean          delete DerivedData
help                 print this message