
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Group Members

  • A0091372H Naomi Leow Wen Xin
  • A0116208N Yeo Zi Xian, Justin (PM)
  • A0113627L Ding Xiang Fei



  • Full Stack Developer
  • Set up (boilerplating)
  • Front-end functionality (linking to backend)
  • Deployment


  • Front-end Developer
  • Design (UI/UX, Icon/Splashscreen/Tutorial)
  • Documentation/Reports

Xiang Fei:

  • Back-end Developer
  • Database set-up


Directory Structure

  • Frontend (Ionic) code is in sharetaxi/
  • Backend (Laravel) code is in backend/

General Setup:

  1. You will need npm: http://blog.npmjs.org/post/85484771375/how-to-install-npm
  2. PHP >= 5.5.9
  3. The frontend and backend have to be started up individually

Setting up Laravel:

  1. Install Composer: http://getcomposer.org/

    curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

    mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

  2. Install Laravel installer

    composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1”

  3. Install required dependencies

    npm install

  4. In backend/

    composer install (to install dependencies)

    php artisan key:generate

    php artisan serve (to start Laravel)

Setting up Ionic:

  1. Install Cordova: (Make sure you have nodejs installed first)

    sudo npm install -g cordova

  2. Install ionic

    sudo npm install -g ionic

  3. Install required dependencies

    npm install

  4. In sharetaxi/

    ionic serve (to start ionic)