Homework and Tips got from NLP-Course
- Produce Random sentence based on rule, recursion methold
- Networkx draw graph
- BFS and DFS demo
- Tips of re, python regular express lib which used for text process, special for web's chinese content crab
- Probility function for each word in one papers lib, wrapper style tip first introduce
- Graph search between citites in China
- Search stragety, heursitic methold discussed for graph search
- All paths of two points in a completed Graph algorithm discussed
- BeiJing Subway transfer search solution demo
- Rod cut problem
- 0-1(背包) KnapSack problem
- lru_cache, wrapper, memo introduced for Dynamic Programming recursion methold speed up
- Edit distance between words
- VRP(to do),
- Word2Vec model trainned with Chinese Wiki(1.7G zhwiki-20181220)
- Visualization Word2Vec by T-SEN