
Ansible role for Teamspeak3 server

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

TeamSpeak server

Boot a server on OpenStack cloud and start TeamSpeak collaboration service.


This is a generic role to deploy and run Teamspeak3 server. It is tested on Ubuntu and Fedora and should run on other, too.

Role Variables

Specify the version of Teamspeak3 server you want to run modifying the vars/main.yaml file.


There are no dependencies.

Example Playbook

An example playbook using the Ansible 2.x OpenStack module

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    ansible_python_interpreter: python
    key_name: mykey
    private_key: /home/reed/.ssh/new_id.rsa

    - name: Launch an OpenStack instance
        cloud: dreamcloud
        name: teamspeak-server
        state: present
        image: Ubuntu-14.04
        flavor_ram: 2048
        auto_floating_ip: yes
        key_name: "{{ key_name }}"
          - net-name: private-network
      register: teamspeak_server

    - name: get facts about the server (including its public v4 IP address)
        server: teamspeak
      until: teamspeak_server.server.public_v4 != ""
      retries: 5
      delay: 10

    - set_fact: public_v4="{{ teamspeak_server.server.public_v4 }}"

    - name: add the server to our ansible inventory
      add_host: hostname={{ public_v4 }} groups=teamspeak ansible_ssh_user=dhc-user ansible_ssh_private_key_file={{ private_key }}

    - name: wait for ssh to be available
      wait_for: host={{ public_v4 }} port=22 state=started

- hosts: teamspeak
  sudo: True

     - { smaffulli.teamspeak }


GPLv3 or any later version.

Author Information

This role was created by Stefano Maffulli. Latest versions, bug reports and pull requests on Github.