
rss2json is a command-line utility that converts RSS feeds to JSON.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Command line utility to convert RSS feeds to JSON.


Pass the URL to your RSS feed and save the result to a file using shell redirection.

$ rss2json https://example.com/rss/ > out.json

Use the -p switch to pretty-print the output.


To install, download the latest release to your system and copy the executable to a location on your path.

Alternatively, clone the repository and build the version you need from source with

$ make windows mac linux


Please contribute. Clone this repo. Install the go-feed library:

$ go get github.com/mmcdole/gofeed

Then make your changes. Build the packages with

$ make windows mac linux

Test them on those operating systems, and then send in a PR.


  • 2019-03-20 - v0.1.0
    • initial release


Apache 2. See LICENSE file.