Junior PHP developer test

Run project on localhost

Entities and repositories

  • create Doctrine entity User into folder app\Entity with attributes $id (auto increment), $email (required unique string), $password (required string), $fullName (optional nullable string). The repository should be a descendant of AbstractEntity
  • create Doctrine repository for entity User into folder app\Service. The repository should be a descendant of AbstractRepository
  • create Doctrine entity LoginAttempt into folder app\Entity with attributes $id (auto increment), $user (many-to-one relation to entity User), $createdAt (required immutable date time). The repository should be a descendant of AbstractEntity
  • create Doctrine repository for entity LoginAttempt into folder app\Service. The repository should be a descendant of AbstractRepository
  • run Doctrine command to create database tables: php bin/console orm:schema-tool:create


  • create a table list of all User entities in HomePresenter:default. Table should have columns Full name, Email and Attempts count (assumed all attempt counts to be zero)
  • create a Nette form for creating a new User record in HomePresenter:create. Form should have fields fullName, email, password. All fields should be required.
  • create a database record after form submit and redirect to default view


If you are finished, please commit your work into public a Github repository. If you don't have a Github account please send us the zipped source code to our email. Thank you :)